The theme this week is very much in the spirit of Elul and the closeness of Rosh Hoshana: making cheshboin hanefesh and recognizing that our goal is to reach our potential, our tafkid – and not someone else’s.
There are 4 pieces this week: Nitzavim, Vayeilech, the continuation of the series on the hakdoma of the Orchos Chaim (part 4), and a bit on minhagei Radzyn for Rosh Hoshana.
A git gebencht yuhr! K’siva v’chasima tova!
Nitzavim: Nitzavim
Vayeilech: Vayeilech
Orchos Chaim Hakdoma part 4: Hakdoma 4
Minhagei Radzyn for Rosh Hoshana: Rosh Hoshana